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it 的用法完全概括

2022-04-08 02:42:37

1. 指代事物或性别不明确的动物

You can not eat your cake and have it. 事难两全。

Come on, it says to go. 走啊,信号灯放行了。

She went up to the cat and started stroking it. 她走上前去,开始抚摸那只猫。

“What's the sound?” “It's the wind shaking the door.” “是什么声音?”“是风吹门。”


2. 指代婴儿、未知的人、未确定的人、人的身份或境况,或表示谁做某动作

Look at the baby. Isn't it lovely? 瞧那婴儿,多可爱啊!

“Who's that?” “It's Jim.” “谁呀?”“吉姆。”

The landlord! Here it comes. 是房东啊!他来了。

“What's the noise?” “It is only the boy.” “是什么声音?”“就是那个男孩。”

A tall man came in, smiling. It was Captain Cook. 一个高个子男人微笑着走了进来,他是库克船长。

A:Someone is at the door. 门口有人。

B:Who is it?谁呀?


① 这种用法的it可以指复数名词。

如:“Who is making so much noise?”“It must be the children.”“谁这么吵?”“那一定是孩子们。”

② it可有下面这种用法,表示强调:

Thus when he spoke it was in a sharper voice. 所以,他说话时那口气就更加严厉了。

When she rushed out, it was to call a taxi. 她匆忙跑出去是为了叫出租车。

③ 在下面的句子中,it指代后面的名词,表示强调。

如:It was shocking, that accident. 那个事件使人十分震惊。

It's a nuisance, this delay. 这么耽搁下去,太讨厌了。

④ 注意下面两句:

What a clever girl it is! 多么聪明的姑娘啊!(用于感叹句表示亲密)

What a mean man it is! 多么卑鄙的人啊!(用于感叹句表示鄙视)


3. 电话用语中

“Who is it speaking?” “It's Sam.” “是哪位?”“我是萨姆。”

Hello, it's Silva here. Is Polly there, please? 喂,我是西尔瓦,请问波莉在吗


4. 指天气、时间、距离、自然现象、环境等

It's raining. 下雨了。

It was a bitterly cold night. 那是一个非常寒冷的夜晚。

It's Friday tomorrow. 明天星期五。

It's spring now. 现在已是春天了。

It will soon be Christmas. 圣诞节快到了。

It's noisy here. 这儿很吵闹。

It's very lonely here. 这儿太冷清了。

It is twenty miles to the zoo. 到动物园有20英里。

How far is it from here to the beach? 从这里到海边有多远?

It is very quiet here. 这里很安静。


5. 作先行代词,代替不定式,作形式主语或形式宾语

以it作形式主语或形式宾语的动词有:feel, consider, find, believe, make, take, imagine, prove, think, suppose, deem,count, regard等。这种结构中,常用作表语的名词有:pity, pleasure, shame等; 常用作表语的形容词有:easy, important, vital, necessary, difficult等。本结构中,被替代的成分要置于句尾。

如: I consider it advisable to tell her beforehand. 我认为还是事先告诉她好。

It is of great help to master a foreign language. 掌握一门外语有很大帮助。

We shall leave it to him to settle the matter. 我们将让他来解决这件事。(=It is left to him to ...)

It's a pleasure for me to be here. 我很高兴来这里。

It's important to reconsider the matter. 重新考虑这件事很重要。


6. 作先行代词,代替动名词

it 代替动名词,主要用于下面的结构中:

It is no good/fun/no help/no use/useless/senseless/dangerous/enjoyable/worthwhile等+动名词

It is a waste/a nuisance/hard work等+动名词

It's no good talking with her. 同她说没有用。

It's much fun playing on the beach. 在海边玩耍真好玩。

It's well worth getting there half an hour earlier. 很值得提前半个小时到达那里。

It is worthwhile making another try. 再试一次是值得的。

It is hard work persuading him into doing it. 说服他做那件事很难。

I think it wrong doing it this way. 我觉得这样做是错的。

It is wonderful, swimming in summer. 夏天游泳真快活。

It wouldn't do your going alone. 你自己去不行吧。

It's a waste of time your talking to him. 你同他说是浪费时间。

It is very risky, your going off in such a hurry. 你这样匆忙去是很危险的。

It has been just splendid meeting you here. 在这里见到你,真是太好了。

It was the merest chance his getting scholarships. 他得奖学金的机会太小了。

I know it's awful my coming here. 我知道自己来这里是很煞风景的。

I find it a waste spending so much money drinking and eating. 我认为把这么多钱花在吃喝上是一种浪费。


7. 作先行代词,代替名词性从句


It is a shame that they were cheated. 他们受了骗,真是太不像话了。

Has it been found out who is the murderer?查明谁是凶手没有?

It is not known what caused the accident. 不知道事故的起因。

It is a mystery when they got married. 他们何时结的婚是个谜。

It's no business of yours what I think. 我怎么想不关你的事。

He wants to make it clear whether you still love him or not. 他想弄弄清楚你是否还爱他。

We have made it clear that she has nothing to do with the case. 我们已经弄清楚她与这个案子无关。

She resented it terribly that her brother refused to help. 她哥哥拒绝帮助,她因此非常气愤。

I knew what it would mean to our family that Mother had lost her job. 我知道母亲失去了工作对家庭意味着什么。

It is obvious that metals in common use are very important in our life. 显而易见,普通金属对我们的生活非常重要。

I owe it to you that I have survived the disaster. 多亏了你我才逃过一劫。(=It is owed to you that...)


8. 在it seems strange,it looks likely/unlikely, it appears probable, it is (not) likely等结构中作主语


如: It's likely that the criminal is hiding in the cave. 罪犯很可能藏在山洞里。

It looks very unlikely that we will be finished by January. 看来我们1月份完成的可能性不大。

It appeared highly probable that his parents would stop his allowance. 似乎极有可能他父母不再给他零用钱。

It seems strange that my name isn't on the list. 我的名字不在名单上,这似乎很奇怪。(可转换为:That my name isn't on the list seems strange.)

【提示】在“It seems/appears/(so) happens/chanced/transpired/came about/turned out+that-从句”结构中,it为虚设主语(不是形式主语,不可作转换),that-从句不是动词的宾语,而是一个外置的分句,但不存在非外位的形式。

“It may/could be+that-从句”结构中的that-从句也是一种分句外位结构,表达可能性,也不存在非外位的形式。

如:It happened that the weather was exceptionally hot. 碰巧天气异常炎热。

It may be that she no longer lives here. 也许她不住在这里了。

Could it be that you left your umbrella in the shop? 你是不是把伞丢在商店里了?

It seems that no one really knows where he's gone. 似乎没有人真正知道他去了哪里。

It appears that there has been a change in the plan. 计划好像做了修改。

It finally transpired that he had not a single penny in his pocket.最后得知他口袋里连一个便士也没有。

It seems that your shoes need seeing to.[√]你的鞋好像得修补了。

That your shoes need seeing to seems. [×]

同样,我们可以说:It is said that the tree is 1,500 years old .但不可说:That the tree is 1,500 years old is said.


9. 用于独立句中


如:It is all gone with her. 她一切都完了。

It is all over with it. 一切都过去了。

It is well with him. 他一切都很好。

It is always so with boys. 男孩子就是这样。

It fared well with us. 我们生活得很好。

How is it with your wife? 你太太好吗?


10. 用于强调句中

无指代关系,也无实义,去掉“it is ... that ...”三个词后,剩余的词仍能单独组成一个完整的句子。如:It is the drink that does it. 那是喝酒造成的。

It was Jane who paid the meal yesterday. 昨天的饭钱是简付的。

It is from the sun that we get light and heat. 正是从太阳那里我们得到了光和热。(强调句型)

 We get light and heat from the sun. 我们从太阳那里得到光和热。(非强调句型)


11. 可以用来替代整个句子或句中某个部分所表示的意思,前指或后指(参阅上文)

He is a scholar and he looks it. 他是个学者,看上去也像。

He hates children, and it is strange. 他不喜欢孩子,这很奇怪。

John is an idiot, and he looks it. 约翰是个白痴,一看就知道。

They are strong and should be it. 他们强大,也应该强大。(=strong)

He's a teacher, and he looks it. 他是教师,看上去也是当教师的。

It's quite true, all that she told us. 她告诉我们的都是真的。

It's a nuisance, this noisy fan. 这台噪声很大的电扇真讨厌。

“Do you like watching the sunset?”“Yes, I thoroughly enjoy it.” “你喜欢看落日吗?”“太喜欢了。”

“The couple got divorced last week.” “Who would have thought of it?” “那对夫妻上周离婚了。”“谁会想到呢?”(指代整个句子The couple got divorced last week.)

Though no one knew it,it would be the last time he would be present at the meeting. 谁也不知道这将是他最后一次参加会议了。

He helped me a lot during my college years. I shall never forget it. 在我读大学的年月里,他曾给了我许多帮助,我永远不会忘记。

Mrs. Anderson is already past fifty,but she doesn't look it. 安德森夫人已年过五十,但看不出来。

You are much stronger now, though you may not look it. 现在你身体结实多了,虽然你看上去还不那么结实。

It's known to all of us, his great achievements in this field. 他在这个领域的巨大成就,我们都知道。

A:When can we come to visit you?我们可以什么时候来看你?

B:Any time you feel like it. 随时都可以。


12. it 组成的惯用语

it同动词结合可以组成惯用词组,这种用法的 it 无明确指代关系,也无明确语义。

如:Bother it! 讨厌!

Confound it! 讨厌!

Take it easy. 别着急,慢慢来。

You're in for it. 你要倒霉了。

That must be it. 准是那么回事。

That is about it. 差不多是这样。(=nearly the case)

That's it. 那正是我想知道的。(=something I want to know)

The man is so badly injured that I'm afraid he has had it. (没希望了,不行了)

Go it!We'll back you up. 加油!我们会支持你的。

Win or lose,we'll stick it out.不论输赢,我们都将坚持到底。

I footed it all the way. 我一路走着来的。

Go it while you're young. 趁年轻,好好干。

I'll give it him hot. 我要好好教训他一顿。

Hang it all. We can't leave now. 见鬼!我们现在不能离开。

We had a nice time of it. 我们玩得很愉快。

You're asking for it. 你是自讨苦吃。

At last we've made it. 我们终于成功了。

Go it on your own! 自己动手做吧!

Go it alone! 自个儿做吧!

Make a run for it! Run! 快跑!快!

He decided to rough it on his vacation. 他决定简简单单过个假期算了。

There is nothing for it but to stand. 没有别的办法,只能忍耐一下。


13. for it的含义

The ruler lorded it over the people. 那个统治者欺压百姓。

She had a very thin time of it in those years. 那些年里,她过得可真难。

He spent a tiring day of it weeding the field. 他在田里除了一天草,非常疲惫。

I can't stand it any longer. I'm resigning. 我再也忍受不了了,我要辞职。

The worst of it is the house isn't even paid for yet. 最糟糕的是,这房子还没有付钱。

Just because he got a higher mark he really thinks he's it. 他因为分数比别人高就自以为了不起。

You'll catch it if your father finds you doing that. 要是你父亲发现你那样,他会责备你的。

It says in the Bible that the snake lures Adam and Eve to eat the Forbidden Fruit. 圣经上说,蛇引诱亚当和夏娃偷吃了禁果。


go it alone独自做

make it做到/起到/办成

battle it out 决出胜负

hit it猜对/说中

beat it 走开/滚开

cheese it停止

hop it快溜

foot/walk it步行

brave it out拼着做到底

tram it坐电车去

cab it乘车

bus it坐公共汽车去

train it坐火车去

taxi it坐出租车去

boat it坐船去

pig it过困苦生活

tube it坐地铁去

king it做帝王/统治

dog it摆阔气

queen it当女王/统治

leg it逃走

inn it住旅馆

hoof it 逃走

hotel it住旅馆

trip it 长途旅行

cool it平静下来

go it blind瞎做

Dash it! 混账!

get it挨骂

chance it 碰碰运气

hike it 步行

boss it 盛气凌人

hang it out 怠工

a hard time of it 过得艰难

hang it 该死

Deuce take it! 见鬼!

an easy time of it 愉快的时间

Damn it!该死!

be hard put to it 处于困境

a thin time of it 不愉快

have the worst of it 遭到失败

a tiring day of it 疲劳的一天

make a revenge of it 报复

brazen it out 厚着脸皮硬挺

make a jolly life of it 过得快活

fight it out一决雌雄/做到底

draw it fine 区别得十分精确

rough it生活困顿/艰难地生活

duke it out 打出个输赢

come it达到……目的/成功地做……

come/go it strong做得过分/过分夸大

call it a day今天就做到这里/到此为止

just for the hell of it只是为了好玩

as luck would have it碰巧/不凑巧/倒霉

face it out把……坚持到底/撑到底

take it out of somebody拿……出气

cut it fine (在时间,金钱等方面)算得几乎不留余地

make the best of it 以随遇而安的态度对待不利情况


14. it that 可以引导宾语从句

take,hide,see to,insist on,depend on,count on,rely on 等后的宾语从句要求用 it that引导。

如:I take it that he's not interested in the book. 我猜想他对这本书不感兴趣。(猜想,认为)

She hid it that she was married. 她隐瞒了她已结了婚。(隐瞒)

He saw to it that the work was finished on time. 他确保工作按时完成。(确保)

take it that you have been out. 我以为你出去了。

He insisted on it that we set off before noon. 他坚持我们午前出发。

You may depend upon it that we'll never desert you. 你可以相信,我们不会不管你的。

You can put it that it was arranged beforehand. 你可以认为这是早先安排好的。

I will answer for it that she is a qualified accountant. 我愿担保她是个称职的会计师。

You may rely on it that everything will be all right. 你可以放心,一切都会好起来的。

took his word for it that he would take part in the TV debate. 我听他这么说,以为他真的要参加这次电视辩论。

【提示】see to it that, insist on it that, no doubt about it that 结构中介词和it常可省略。

如:I'll see (to it) that the job is done properly. 我将保证这项工作做得妥妥当当。

He insisted (on it) that everyone should come to the party. 他坚决要求每个人都参加晚会。

for it可以表示“应付的手段或方法,因此,受罚”等。

如:There is nothing for it but to wait. 别无他法,只能等待。(办法)

It is none the better for it. 这并不因此而好些。(因此)

She will be in for it. 她会倒霉的。(倒霉)

He had to run for it. 他必须快跑。(以躲避大雨等)

He made a bolt for it. 他赶快逃走了。


15. have it that的含义

have it that结构意为“……说”。

如:Legend has it that there is a dragon in the lake. 据传说,这个湖里有一条龙。

Rumor has it that he has escaped into the forest. 据谣传,他逃到森林里去了。

The newspaper has it that the president will resign. 报上说总统将要辞职。

take it that (猜想,认为)不可同 have it that (说)混淆。


16. Who is it 和Who is that

Who is it?问的不是具体的人,it 泛指任何人。Who is that?问的是明确具体的人,that 指具体“某人”。听到有人在敲门,你要说的是:Who is it?看见有人在阅览室里读报,你要问的是:Who is that?

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